12th and 13th of August 2015, Kuala Lunpur, Malaysia: Dr Sangeet Bhullar from WISE KIDS delivered our Digitally Smart development training programme for the Royal Malaysian Police, the Attorney General’s Office, and NGOs. The aim of the programme is to help attendees gain an overview of new and quickly evolving connected technologies and how children and young people use these, with a view to understanding online opportunities and risks for youth. We exploring new ways of thinking about Child Online Protection covering a range of issues that youth find problematic, and how best law enforcement, and other government and NGO stakeholders can develop their own capacities and digital literacy to deliver relevant and meaningful programmes, equipping young and old to be positive and safe online. See http://www.malaysianwireless.com/2015/08/child-online-safety-training-for-pdrm-to-enhance-cybersecurity-enforcement/ The training was kindly organised by PS The Children, and kindly supported by Digi.